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HEALTH & SAFETY is our top priority. 


YSK2 Safety Management System is certified to OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.


YSK2 ensures a safe working environment is being maintained at all time. We continuously strive to safeguard members of the public and to achieve zero injuries or harm to our staff and sub-contractors.


Health and Safety inspections and assessments are carried out frequently on every project by our onsite Registered Safety Officer / Safety Supervisor and external health and safety executives to make sure all our projects conform with OHSAS18001:2007 standard, all legislation and client requirements.


Our leaders are committed to ensuring that our sites are safe.  Regular safety walks by the management team allow positive engagement with the workforce, which help ensuring delivery of our commitment and encouraging frontline staffs to make a positive impact every day.


We are a learning organisation.  Any incidents and accidents, no matter how minor, are investigated thoroughly.  Lessons learnt from these investigations are, and will be, communicated to all of our operatives and sub-contractors.  We aim to prevent any such incidents happening again.


Safety training, that is appropriate to the role of each individual, is co-ordinated through our Safety Department.  All on-site operatives, including sub-contractors, are provided with suitable and sufficient detail relating to the task to be performed and identification of the potential risks and control measures to eliminate, or reduce them.  We have a strict policy in relation to the supply and use of appropriate PPE, tools, materials and plant to be able to do their job safely.

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